Here is my edit of the pictures I shot of my good friend Dom. Quite possibly the most interesting headshots/portraits I have ever done. I love them and I love the B+W. Was very tempting to process some of the others in the same colour palette I used on the one. Just does'nt carry as well, if you know what I mean. B+W just snaps for me. Tickles me better than colour for this set of photo's. I started at 170+ images and worked my way down 8. It was literally like shooting my own children in the face. I hate selecting the "good one's". Eventually I said, stuff it, and how I figured out what gets posted and how it gets processed is completely based on: Do I absolutely love that photo? If there was any doubt, it gets pushed aside. So these shots are the one I absolutely loved. Im not going to buzz on about anymore arb crap. Here's Dom. N.
Those of you that have the pleasure of knowing this stunning young woman will also know what noise she is making here. |
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My favourite out of the lot. |
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